Precautions To Take While Installing Safety Grills and Their Fabrication

Home is meant for a safe living without any element of threat from outside world. Safety of the members of the house is the most prominent concern while constructing a new home or renovation work of the house also involves fitting new grills in the house windows and doors. The house must be protected from theft and forced entry.

Most of the houses install safety grills in the doors and windows and also in the ventilators for increased safety. However, if the fabrication of the grills is not done properly, it will compromise the security of the house. Wrong fabrication of the grills also hinders in their proper fitting which in turn affect their beauty too.

The grill fabrication must be done using exact measurement given in the design based on the space left for the windows, ventilators and main entrance of the house. The length of the steel bars must be cut diagonally using a cutter and must not be chiseled as it may lead to imperfect corners which will affect the whole fabrication of the grill.

Each part of the grill must have holes to fit them together before they get welded. It helps to add extra strength to the grill. The corners of the steel bars must be welded using metal arc welding and the joints must be finished with a grinder. It must be ensured that no holes are left after welding.

Keeping the corners of the grills at a right angle at the time of welding ensures that all the parts of the grill are in straight line horizontally as well as vertically. The grill must be fixed to the steel or iron frame using steel screws and the top of the screws must be counter-sunk with no parts visible outside.

The screws must be fixed using a screw-driver and must not be hammered into the steel bar. Any space between the frame and the wall must be filled with concrete. All the accessories must be properly fitted to the grill for their smooth operation.


The most important thing to consider in grill fabrication is that good quality material must be used for a safety.

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